Why Help 'Buy To Let' Landlords Get Rich Part 1-Free Mortgage Advice

Why Help 'Buy To Let' Landlords Get Rich Part 1-Free Mortgage Advice

The following is an extract from an interesting article about the 'Buy to Let' sector of the housing market. The gist of the article is that it generally preferable to buy your own home rather than rent from a landlord. There are pros and cons both ways. Although the trend of house prices has generally been upwards, resulting in substantial potential gains for homeowners, at times like the present, the market turns, and negative equity shows, its ugly head.

"If anybody told you that you could buy a home, without having any monthly payments to find, and that you could keep all the profits in the event of a sale, you might think they were mad.

There are many people who have jumped on the buy to let bandwagon and recently some of them have caught a cold. It had become all too simple, and there were easy pickings until the housing market downturn. However, it must be remembered that prior to the downturn prices had rocketed to unprecedented levels, and there has been nothing like a correction to the levels apparent before the bubble burst.

Some people have done very well out of buy to let, and many are still doing so. Sure, there are those who have caught a cold, because they over extended themselves when prices were high. There is not a great deal of sympathy for them, because at the end of the day they were in the game to make a fast buck. That some may not have done so is down to the luck of the draw, or in some other cases to lack of investment know-how."

Please Click Here to visit the Free Mortgage Advice Web Site, and read the full article.

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